We Appreciate Your Donations
The Church has many needs. We count on our members giving to cover our annual budget. Every Christian has a free choice to make about his giving to the church. While is no longer required by law to give a tenth of all you earn, many Christians give today more than a tenth. No matter what is the amount you donate- give it freely and cheerfully. (St. Apostle Paul 2 Corinthians 9) We thank you for your generosity and may Our Lord bless you! ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-EXEMPT!As you know, all church donations are exempted from the income tax. Moreover, they could be a tax deduction on your personal tax return. Every year, by the end of January, all of our parishioners will receive a statement certifying the total amount donated in the previous year. If you have questions or wish to receive clarifications regarding the financial status or transactions of our church, you are welcome to address your inquiry to the Treasurer of the church, at [email protected]. If you prefer to mail your donations, please use the following address: Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, PO BOX 3092, Fontana, CA 92334. Please write your checks to the order of Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church with no abbreviations or omissions You can also donate directly from your credit card accounts through our DONATIONS page below. |
Noi apreciem donatiile dumneavoastra.
Biserica noastra are multe nevoi de acoperit. Insa, noi ne bazam pe membrii nostri sa acopere bugetul anual al bisericii. Fiecare crestin are o alegere libera in legatura cu donatiile sale la biserica. Desi nu este o obligatie legala ca un crestin sa doneze zece procente din venitul sau, multi crestini doneaza mai mult decat aceste zece procente. Nu conteaza cat de mare soau mica este donatia ta- doneaza cu inima deschisa si cu bucurie.( Sf. Apostol Pavel 2 Corinteni 9). Biserica noastra va multumeste pentru generozitate si bunul Dumnezeu sa va binecuvanteze. TOATE DONATIILE NU SUNT TAXATE! Dupa cum stiti, toate donatiile facute la o biserica sunt scutite de taxe. Mai mult, ele pot fi considerate ca tax deduceri in fiecare persona tax return. In fiecare an, la sfarsitul lunii Ianuarie, toate personalele care au facut donatii in anul anterior, vor primi un certificat de donatie din partea bisericii care contine totalul tuturor donatiilor facute catre biserica. Daca aveti intrebari despre starea financiara sau tranazatii ale bisericii, puteti sa contactati casierul bisericii in persoana sau prin email la [email protected]. Daca preferati sa trimiteti donatiile dumnevoastra prin posta, puteti sa trimiteti la adresa urmatoare Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, PO BOX 3092, Fontana, CA 92334. Va rugam sa scrieti checurile la ordinul Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church fara abeviatii sau omisii. De asemenea, puteti face donatii prin credit card folosind linkurile de mai jos. |
For Pledge donations please make sure you filled out a Pledge Form for this calendar year prior to making an offering. The amounts on each donation category are the minimum suggested ones.