Some of the duties of an Orthodox Christian are:
• to participate regularly in the Holy Services;
• participation should be with faith, piety, and a lot of attention;
• to be thinking only of God, without spreading elsewhere;
• The Christian is not allowed to be absent from church for more than three consecutive Sundays.
• when a believer is absent from the Holy Services several times in a row, he can be stopped from Holy Communion until he returns to the normal state of attending the Church;
• to take the Holy Communion as often as possible, making the prescribed prayers and following the advice of his clergyman.
• the Christian cannot have a spiritual father outside the parish to which he belongs, except with the blessing of his parish priest;
• he who confesses elsewhere without a blessing, may be refused communion;
• to be reconciled with all his fellows;
• to always bring to the Church a small gift, as a sacrifice from the toil of his hands;
• every believer must pay to the church what is due to his toil, according to the command of the Bible; the non-fulfillment of this commandment attracts the wrath of God, is regarded as theft and breach of the commandments;
• in the Church, we stand as is the order of the place, not speaking and not going out, except in absolute need;
• the Church enters into a clean and decent attire;
• the word teaching-sermon must be listened to very carefully;
• parents are obliged to bring their children to church and get them used to it from an early age, knowing full well that attending church and praying means connection with God, without which we can do nothing; from the age of 7 children should be accustomed to confession as often as possible;
• parents must enroll their children in Sunday School every year; Sunday school is very important in the catechetical education and formation of children as good Christians
• only by approaching God decreases the trouble and increases the joy;
• On his return from the Church, the Christian brings with him the blessing and joy of meeting God, which he must share with others in the household.
• to participate regularly in the Holy Services;
• participation should be with faith, piety, and a lot of attention;
• to be thinking only of God, without spreading elsewhere;
• The Christian is not allowed to be absent from church for more than three consecutive Sundays.
• when a believer is absent from the Holy Services several times in a row, he can be stopped from Holy Communion until he returns to the normal state of attending the Church;
• to take the Holy Communion as often as possible, making the prescribed prayers and following the advice of his clergyman.
• the Christian cannot have a spiritual father outside the parish to which he belongs, except with the blessing of his parish priest;
• he who confesses elsewhere without a blessing, may be refused communion;
• to be reconciled with all his fellows;
• to always bring to the Church a small gift, as a sacrifice from the toil of his hands;
• every believer must pay to the church what is due to his toil, according to the command of the Bible; the non-fulfillment of this commandment attracts the wrath of God, is regarded as theft and breach of the commandments;
• in the Church, we stand as is the order of the place, not speaking and not going out, except in absolute need;
• the Church enters into a clean and decent attire;
• the word teaching-sermon must be listened to very carefully;
• parents are obliged to bring their children to church and get them used to it from an early age, knowing full well that attending church and praying means connection with God, without which we can do nothing; from the age of 7 children should be accustomed to confession as often as possible;
• parents must enroll their children in Sunday School every year; Sunday school is very important in the catechetical education and formation of children as good Christians
• only by approaching God decreases the trouble and increases the joy;
• On his return from the Church, the Christian brings with him the blessing and joy of meeting God, which he must share with others in the household.
Câteva din datoriile creştinului orthodox
- să participe cu regularitate la Sfintele Slujbe;
- participarea să fie cu credinţă, evlavie şi cu multă luare aminte;
- să fie cu gândul numai la Dumnezeu, fără răspândire in alte părţi;
- creştinului nu-i este îngăduit să lipsească de la biserică mai mult de trei dumineci consecutive.
- când un credincios lipseşte de la Sfintele Slujbe de mai multe ori consecutiv, acesta poate fi oprit de la Sfânta Împărtăşănie până când reintră în starea normală de frecventare a Bisericii;
- să se împărtăşească cât de des, făcându-şi rugăciunile prescrise şi urmând sfatul duhovnicului său.
- creştinul nu poate avea duhovnic în afara parohiei de care aparţine, decât cu binecuvântarea parohului său;
- cel ce se spovedeşte în alte părti fără binecuvântare, poate fi refuzat la împărtăşanie;
- să fie împăcat cu toţi semenii;
- la Biserică să aducă totdeauna un mic dar, ca jertfă din osteneala mâinilor sale;
- fiecare credincios trebuie să plătească bisericii ce se cuvine din osteneala sa, după porunca Bibliei; neîndeplinirea poruncii acesteia atrage mânia lui Dumnezeu, fiind socotit ca un furt şi neîmplinitor al poruncilor ;
- în Biserică, stăm după cum este rânduiala locului, nevorbind si neieşind afară, decât la absolută nevoie ;
- în Biserică se intră în ţinută curată si decentă;
- cuvântul de invăţătura- predica, trebuie ascultată cu multă atenţie;
- părinţii sunt datori să-şi aducă copiii la Biserică şi să-i obişnuiască de mici, bine ştiind că frecventarea Bisericii şi rugăciunea înseamnă legătura cu Dumnezeu, fără de care nu putem face nimic; de la vărsta de 7 ani copiii trebuie obişnuiţi cu spovedania cât de des;
- parintii trebuie sa isi inroleze copii la Scoala Duminecala in fiecare an; Scoala Duminecala ste foarte importanta in educarea catehetica si formarea copiilor ca buni crestini
- numai prin apropierea de Dumnezeu scade necazul si creşte bucuria;
- la întoarcerea de la Biserică, creştinul duce cu sine binecuvântarea şi bucuria întâlnirii cu Dumnezeu, pe care trebuie să le împărtăşească şi celorlalţi din casă.